Independent strategic advice for the global transport industry.

We provide advice on the development of railways and other transport networks, including organisational analysis, process development and organisational structuring, proven to boost growth and generate high performance.

Strategic Advice Case Study

Oman Railway Company Industry Structure and Organisational Design

In Oman, we provided the Government with strategic advice on the future design and structure of the country’s railway industry. This advice included analysis of potential structures, identification of the preferred option, and proposing engagement with key stakeholders including the Ministry of Transport & Communication. Once the industry structure was agreed, we developed the organisational structure and roles required to manage the mobilisation and commercial operations phases for the future Oman Railway Company.

One of the principles of the creation of this new rail company was to support local training and skills development, notably through the establishment of a Centre of Excellence to drive competency development in the national railway industry.

Our approach ensured clarity of roles within the industry and a robust organisation structure for the Oman Railway Company to undertake its future activities. We achieved this through the following means:

  • Organisation Process Development

    This included a blueprint for the legal and regulatory framework within which the Oman Railway Company operates, the identification of key stakeholder relationships, conducting qualitative comparisons and benchmarking against global best practice, and making recommendations on the implications for the new framework.

  • Organisation Structure Development

    We assisted in the design of an organisational structure with clear authorities and responsibilities defined through functional charters and job descriptions, and a manpower plan for the Oman Railway (including appropriate salary structure and remuneration scheme).

  • Development of Strategic Enablers

    This included the development of a human resource manual for the Oman Railway Company and the design and development of a Performance Management System.

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