North Star actively supports the responsibility to respect human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights.

North Star actively supports the responsibility to respect human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. We are committed to implementing these Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights throughout our companies.

North Star expects all our people and those who work with us to respect the dignity and importance of each individual’s human rights. North Star does not accept any human rights violations and all North Star people and the customers we work with ensure and will take measures to avoid any form of forced, bonded or compulsory labour (or any other kind of modern slavery or human trafficking).

Any North Star person who has concerns regarding the above should raise these immediately to a Director.

There are no reports of the presence or use of modern slavery or human trafficking in our company or the companies of our customers.

I am fully committed to the delivery of this policy and will review and update this policy in accordance with our Programme of Review.

Geraldene Lyon

Geraldene Lyon
Acting Managing Director