North Star is committed to providing equal opportunities for all our employees, applicants, visitors, customers, and suppliers.

North Star is committed to providing equal opportunities for all our employees, applicants, visitors, customers, and suppliers. Our people have a personal responsibility to comply with our Equal Opportunities Policy, which aims to make everyone feel comfortable, valued, and free to contribute fully to the best of their ability.

We treat our people equally regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, caring responsibility, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity status, disability, religion or belief, trade union membership or any other ground where it is unlawful to discriminate. We base all our employment decisions on merit and our business needs.

We want our people to work in an environment that allows them to fulfil their potential without fear of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation. Our commitment to equal opportunities extends to:

  • The recruitment and selection process
  • Terms of employment, including pay, conditions, and benefits
  • Training, performance development, career development and promotion
  • Work practices, conduct issues, allocation of work, disciplinaries and grievances
  • Work-related social events
  • Handling matters after the termination of employment , including references.

If an employee believes they have been a victim of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation, they should follow the North Star PE 006: Grievance Policy. Any breach of equal opportunities or failure to comply with this policy will be taken seriously and could result in disciplinary action including immediate dismissal.

If an associate believes they have been a victim of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation, they should raise their concerns with the People Director.

I am fully committed to the delivery of this policy and will review and update this policy in accordance with our Programme of Review.

Geraldene Lyon

Geraldene Lyon
Acting Managing Director